Student Teaching: Week 3
What I Did This Week Monday : responded to intro letters, taught the catalyst in both periods, taught full class in IM1 period 3 (I think?), attended two IM1 classes Tuesday : responded to so many intro letters, planned for edTPA (this day was light because it was the asynchronous day, so it was mostly intro letters Wednesday : attended two IM1 classes and one IM2 class, taught IM1 6th period, attended an IM2 planning meeting, planned with the IM2 team, ran IM2 Office Hours, responded to SO many intro letters Thursday : attended two IM1 classes for testing, responded to SO many intro letters, planned for IM2 with Remi and Sydney and alone, created a rough sketch of the IM2 unit and of my lesson, created a rough sketch of the test, gave each other planning feedback Friday : attended two IM1 classes and one IM2 class for testing, graded IM2 tests, finished responding to intro letters!!!, planned for IM2 (first lesson and my lesson), wrote this blog!, graded all of the homework (5 an...