
Showing posts from February, 2021

Student Teaching: Week 7

What I Did This Wee k Monday : received my first dose of the COVID vaccine, took a brief tour of the school building/got acquainted with the space, held an office hour, graded papers, did various administrative tasks Tuesday : met students in person for the first time, learned some more about the building, filmed a video response to student questions alongside other student teachers, edited and posted the questions video, answered student questions during the asynchronous time in class, ran classroom support tasks (hole punching, distributing/retrieving items, cleaning and sanitizing due to COVID, etc.), attended an IM2 planning meeting, worked on a few test rewrites before the Thursday/Friday exam, graded papers, held an impromptu office hour Wednesday : taught IM2 (final edTPA lesson), answered student questions during the asynchronous time in class, graded papers, provided administrative support, caught up to speed with IM1 Thursday : taught IM1, talked with independent study studen...

Student Teaching: Week 6

What I Did This Week Monday : attended edTPA camp, planned for the coming IM2 lessons and exam, met with mentor teachers to address snow day plans Tuesday : planned for coming IM2 lessons/exam, graded papers Wednesday : planned for coming IM2 lessons/exam, graded papers Thursday : planned for coming IM2 lessons/exam, graded papers Friday : wrote this blog, attended office hours, attended two IM1 classes, graded papers, prepared lesson materials With 3 snow days and a day off, this week did not hold much aside from preparation/meetings. What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM2 - We didn't have IM2 this week Teach IM1 - I opted to wait and teach this lesson when I have access to the appropriate technology come next class Adjust to hybrid teaching - We haven't returned yet Learn about the school building - I haven't been yet Expand on my edTPA reflections and do some more work on the writing - I did a small amount of work on this and probably should have done more...

Student Teaching: Week 5

  What I Did This Week Monday : attended a new teacher's IM1 class in order to gain new perspectives prior to my recorded edTPA lesson the following day, worked with breakout room groups in said lesson, held office hours, taught part of IM1 in my normal schedule and observed the rest to prepare to teach later classes, finished/made edits to Tuesday's lesson plan, graded for IM2, attended a district wide meeting, met with my advisor to discuss edTPA Tuesday : taught IM1 twice, taught IM2, graded for IM2, attended an IM2 planning meeting, wrote reflections on IM2, attended an advisory meeting, reflected on a teaching segment in seminar Wednesday : taught a different teacher's IM1 class to practice for my recorded edTPA lesson on Thursday, learned how to operate the Microsoft Teams platform, reflected on that teaching experience and made edits to my plan for the following day Thursday : taught IM2, taught IM1 twice, graded and gave feedback for IM1, worked on edTPA questions F...

Student Teaching: Week 4

What I Did This Week Monday : attended two IM1 classes, attended and helped in office hours, had a University Mentor debrief meeting, attended the district-wide faculty meeting, met with co-planners Tuesday : attended 2 IM1 classes and 1 IM2 class and advisory, taught IM2 and IM1 once, attended an IM2 planning meeting, attended NCTM sessions, graded and gave feedback on exit tickets Wednesday : attended two IM1 classes, attended and helped in office hours, graded and gave feedback Thursday : attended two IM1 classes and one IM2 class, taught IM2 and one IM1 class, graded and gave feedback Friday : wrote this blog, attended office hours, had a University Mentor meeting about edTPA, graded and gave feedback on homework and asynchronous work, reflected on lesson plans for the coming week What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM2  - I successfully did this twice! Teach IM1  - this didn't go  exactly  according to plan this week because Mr. C chose to make a big in...