Student Teaching: Week 7
What I Did This Wee k Monday : received my first dose of the COVID vaccine, took a brief tour of the school building/got acquainted with the space, held an office hour, graded papers, did various administrative tasks Tuesday : met students in person for the first time, learned some more about the building, filmed a video response to student questions alongside other student teachers, edited and posted the questions video, answered student questions during the asynchronous time in class, ran classroom support tasks (hole punching, distributing/retrieving items, cleaning and sanitizing due to COVID, etc.), attended an IM2 planning meeting, worked on a few test rewrites before the Thursday/Friday exam, graded papers, held an impromptu office hour Wednesday : taught IM2 (final edTPA lesson), answered student questions during the asynchronous time in class, graded papers, provided administrative support, caught up to speed with IM1 Thursday : taught IM1, talked with independent study studen...