
Showing posts from March, 2021

Student Teaching: Week 10

What I Did This Week Monday : got my second vaccine!, recovered, graded papers and entered grades, prepared for IM2 Tuesday : taught IM2, taught some of IM1, continued recovering from the vaccine, graded Wednesday : attended a planning meeting, observed IM1 to teach Thursday, went over IM2 materials Thursday : taught IM2, taught IM1, observed IM1, graded papers, attended a faculty meeting Friday : parent-teacher conferences and lots of grading What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM1 - did this a little less this week because of the vaccine but I learned a lot about the content from watching and teaching it! Teach IM2 - love this class, love teaching it, and the kids are doing great work this week Plan for IM1 - this was not in the cards this week, we've had lots of grading to do preparing for the end of the quarter! Plan for IM2 - I went to the planning meeting, but we're on a bit of autopilot at the moment! Have a sigh of relief (no more edTPA!) - thank god What I...

Student Teaching: Week 9

What I Did This Week Monday : taught IM2, taught IM1, observed IM1, graded tests, graded homework, made announcements, wrote a quiz, finished up some IM2 materials, helped students in asynchronous time Tuesday : attended math department meeting, observed IM1, graded homework Wednesday : taught IM2, taught IM1 twice, graded and gave feedback on homework Thursday : observed IM1 twice, worked on edTPA, worked with peers on edTPA, graded homework Friday : worked on edTPA, graded IM2 tests, worked on grade norming for those tests What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM1  - I did this less this week in preparation for edTPA submission Teach IM2  - I continue to connect with my focal class! Plan for IM1  - we didn't do this much this week, again because of edTPA Plan for IM2  - wrote a quiz and a review lesson! Work more on my edTPA  - this is pretty much all I'm doing Take a little less of the teaching load but hopefully work more on the IM1 planning  - i...

Student Teaching: Week 8

What I Did This Week Monday : attended an IM2 planning meeting, graded exams, graded homeworks/balanced up the gradebook, worked on edTPA Tuesday : attended math department meeting, reviewed upcoming exams for length/clarity/etc, worked on edTPA, graded exams Wednesday : proctored an IM1 test twice, met the seniors in advisory as they came back for the first time, worked on edTPA, planned IM2 retake exam, graded exams Thursday : taught IM2, met the sophomores in IM2 for the first time, proctored an IM1 test twice, planned for the next IM1 section, worked on edTPA Friday : helped in an IM1 class, taught IM1, graded homework/tests/etc, made copies, wrote this blog, worked on edTPA, planned for IM2 review/quiz What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM1 - I did this on Friday! We only had this class a few times this week since we gave tests and had asynchronous days, but I had fun working to develop/plan for it and then get to teach it. Teach IM2 - I love feeling closer to this cla...