Student Teaching: Week 9

What I Did This Week

Monday: taught IM2, taught IM1, observed IM1, graded tests, graded homework, made announcements, wrote a quiz, finished up some IM2 materials, helped students in asynchronous time

Tuesday: attended math department meeting, observed IM1, graded homework

Wednesday: taught IM2, taught IM1 twice, graded and gave feedback on homework

Thursday: observed IM1 twice, worked on edTPA, worked with peers on edTPA, graded homework

Friday: worked on edTPA, graded IM2 tests, worked on grade norming for those tests

What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection

Teach IM1 - I did this less this week in preparation for edTPA submission

Teach IM2 - I continue to connect with my focal class!

Plan for IM1 - we didn't do this much this week, again because of edTPA

Plan for IM2 - wrote a quiz and a review lesson!

Work more on my edTPA - this is pretty much all I'm doing

Take a little less of the teaching load but hopefully work more on the IM1 planning - instead I worked more on edTPA, but I expect this shift to hold true for the next week back

What I Will Do Next Next Week

Teach IM1

Teach IM2

Plan for IM1

Plan for IM2

Have a sigh of relief (no more edTPA!)

How I’m Feeling & What’s On My Mind

It is all edTPA all the time in my brain. I really dislike large projects like this where they are specific and then I get specific guidelines from others on top of that about how I spend my time, so at least that tells me some school qualities that I should probably avoid. Also, my students did well overall on the quick unit we snuck in before break, so I am grateful for that and excited to see their grades go up! They've been working hard and I'm proud of them.

What I’m Learning About Teaching and Learning

Review games and activities that reinforce inequities or bad ideas about math learning may not be perfect, but in moderation they seem to be a fun reprieve for students. At this point, they are also somewhat nostalgic for other math classes where they have seen them before. Obviously phasing them out in favor of other things is still best practice, but an occasional Kahoot or Jeopardy can keep the kids on their toes and having a bit of fun. Also, I loved giving them choice with some scaffolding! I offered them both Kahoot and Jeopardy. Originally, popular opinion was for Kahoot, especially because I presented the difficulties of a Jeopardy structure for hybrid teaching, but when I mentioned how Kahoot reinforces speed in math which is something we don't value as a measure of smartness, they decided they would rather go for the Jeopardy to offer each other an appropriate amount of time to answer each question!


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