Student Teaching: Week 13
What I Did This Week
Monday: graded homework, attended a planning meeting
Tuesday: taught IM1, graded homework, gave an IM2 test, graded tests
Wednesday: graded homework and tests
Thursday: taught IM2, taught IM1, graded homework and tests
Friday: gave a make-up IM2 test, answered questions during the asynchronous day
What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection
I will teach the same classes that I usually do and lend a hand when asked. I will try to keep myself from taking on too much because I do not have to and I need to remember that.
I did a decently good job of asking for time off from things I did not feel prepared to tackle, but I still provided help where I could between my peers. I asked for help when I needed it.
What I Will Do Next Next Week
Teach one fewer class, but go back to taking detailed notes on Mr. C's teaching
Plan or write another task/assignment/etc
Visit another school/classroom?
How I’m Feeling & What’s On My Mind
I feel mostly okay this week. It wasn't fantastic but things are going okay. I'm really looking ahead and excited to finish soon, even if I'm a bit nervous about finding a job and just generally what is to come. I'm just trying to be forward-thinking and somewhat optimistic.
What I’m Learning About Teaching and Learning
With a study hall period, letting the kids talk and do whatever is great until it's not. I have learned that I have a much higher need for time to breathe and focus during the day than I thought because I want to bring as little work home with me as possible. It has been difficult for me to focus with the students insisting on chatting at a significant enough volume, and I am curious as to how I will be able to strike a balance with this in my own classroom. I am not inclined to restrict all socializing, but this is not currently a sustainable situation for me. I wonder how much of it is attributed to the pandemic, and what is associated with the distance between desks versus what is associated with other factors like so long without school or continued restriction on outside of school socialization. How much will be alleviated in my classroom next year, especially considering the planned restrictions and precautions are unclear to us at the moment?
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