Student Teaching: Week 10

What I Did This Week

Monday: got my second vaccine!, recovered, graded papers and entered grades, prepared for IM2

Tuesday: taught IM2, taught some of IM1, continued recovering from the vaccine, graded

Wednesday: attended a planning meeting, observed IM1 to teach Thursday, went over IM2 materials

Thursday: taught IM2, taught IM1, observed IM1, graded papers, attended a faculty meeting

Friday: parent-teacher conferences and lots of grading

What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection

Teach IM1 - did this a little less this week because of the vaccine but I learned a lot about the content from watching and teaching it!

Teach IM2 - love this class, love teaching it, and the kids are doing great work this week

Plan for IM1 - this was not in the cards this week, we've had lots of grading to do preparing for the end of the quarter!

Plan for IM2 - I went to the planning meeting, but we're on a bit of autopilot at the moment!

Have a sigh of relief (no more edTPA!) - thank god

What I Will Do Next Next Week

Teach IM1

Teach IM2

Try some tweaks for the inquiry project

Plan something???

How I’m Feeling & What’s On My Mind

Last week was allll edTPA but now that it is over I feel such relief. I'm still not in the best brainspace about having to do the inquiry project or have class because the workday is still quite overwhelming for me as it is, but I'm getting a bit more open to it and I hope I have at least an okay time with it all. I hope it is helpful.

What I’m Learning About Teaching and Learning

Parent-teacher conferences are the best thing ever??? Humans are not perfect and definitely think in deficit language a lot of the time, so this was a great way to restore humanity to the black boxes on the screen as well as a great way to make time for finding solutions and ways to help kids that might be struggling with some aspect of school. I also haven't had much interaction with parents at all up to this point, so it was great to finally get to practice interacting with the adults in my students' lives and know what to do in these types of situations. Mr. C was able to share some wisdom, and I was even able to put my own spin on things trying to refocus onto the student/parent voice rather than the teacher voice to ask what they need rather than just what we are asking of them. This was also a great opportunity for me to zoom out (or perhaps in?) and look at students in their whole progression without the pressures of grade trends or other factors from the whole class. I got to really sit down and connect intro letter to grades to person to parent to help see a better picture of everything in front of me. Favorite experience all year.


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