Student Teaching: Week 11

What I Did This Week

Monday: taught IM1 twice, graded homework

Tuesday: taught IM2, taught IM1 twice, graded homework

Wednesday: attended a planning meeting for IM2, proctored IM1 test, graded tests, graded homework

Thursday: taught IM2, proctored IM1 test, graded tests, graded homework

Friday: graded the rest of the IM1 tests, wrote this blog

This list looks very short but I did teach every class that we had this week.

What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection

Teach IM1 -- ended up teaching every class this week because Mr. C was unexpectedly out for the first two days

Teach IM2 -- ended up teaching every class this week because Mr. C was unexpectedly out for the first two days

Try some tweaks for the inquiry project -- I am always trying to attend to this so I did do my best to emphasize online even more, but I felt the tension with my in-person students

Plan something??? -- not yet, but I think next week!

What I Will Do Next Next Week

Teach IM1

Teach IM2

Plan something

How I’m Feeling & What’s On My Mind

I feel alright this week! I got to take on the full load (unexpectedly), which was fun and reassuring that I will be able to manage. It does reinforce that hybrid teaching is not the best at all because I was overwhelmed by all of those aspects still. Balancing online and in-person is still so difficult. But in general, being responsible for everything was nice and empowering. I also felt more on top of timing this week than in the past, so not quite as far behind as usual.

What I’m Learning About Teaching and Learning

Doing your own thing can be very helpful! I feel so supported by everything so far, but going into the deep end, jumping in, and figuring it out was good. I feel like this will be helpful in planning and creating in the future, knowing that I can just do it and try it and things will work out. The kids were so flexible, which is a great reminder of how understanding a classroom community can be.

I've had a reminder about the importance of clear questioning and formatting while grading the tests from IM1. Several kids have skipped entire questions, possibly because they didn't see them or misunderstood the request and thought they had answered elsewhere. I am wondering what I can do to support students with these types of questions when I cannot revise them before they receive them. How do I support decoding language? For example, 'interpret' is analogous to 'explain,' but many students skipped it altogether.

My students are still struggling with domain and range no matter how long we work with it. I'm wondering what tips and tricks I can find...


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