
Student Teaching: Week 13

What I Did This Week Monday : graded homework, attended a planning meeting Tuesday : taught IM1, graded homework, gave an IM2 test, graded tests Wednesday : graded homework and tests Thursday : taught IM2, taught IM1, graded homework and tests Friday : gave a make-up IM2 test, answered questions during the asynchronous day What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection I will teach the same classes that I usually do and lend a hand when asked. I will try to keep myself from taking on too much because I do not have to and I need to remember that. I did a decently good job of asking for time off from things I did not feel prepared to tackle, but I still provided help where I could between my peers. I asked for help when I needed it. What I Will Do Next Next Week Teach one fewer class, but go back to taking detailed notes on Mr. C's teaching Plan or write another task/assignment/etc Visit another school/classroom? How I’m Feeling & What’s On My Mind I feel mostly okay this week. It wasn...

Student Teaching: Week 12

  What I Did This Week Monday : graded homework and tests, attended a math department meeting Tuesday : taught IM2, taught IM1 1.5 times, graded homework and tests, thought about how to re-plan some of IM1 to differentiate more and help the online folks Wednesday : attended a planning meeting for IM2, attended a math department meeting, graded homework and tests Thursday : taught IM2, taught IM1 once, graded homework and tests Friday : graded the rest of the IM1 tests, answered questions during the asynchronous day, held an office hour meeting What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM1 - taught period 6 twice, some of 4 once for an observation Teach IM2 - taught both classes as usual Plan something - wrote IM2 test, helped a bit with trying to convert IM1 into a more hybrid-friendly situation What I Will Do Next Next Week I will teach the same classes that I usually do and lend a hand when asked. I will try to keep myself from taking on too much because I do not have to an...

Student Teaching: Week 11

What I Did This Week Monday : taught IM1 twice, graded homework Tuesday : taught IM2, taught IM1 twice, graded homework Wednesday : attended a planning meeting for IM2, proctored IM1 test, graded tests, graded homework Thursday : taught IM2, proctored IM1 test, graded tests, graded homework Friday : graded the rest of the IM1 tests, wrote this blog This list looks very short but I did teach every class that we had this week. What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM1 -- ended up teaching every class this week because Mr. C was unexpectedly out for the first two days Teach IM2 -- ended up teaching every class this week because Mr. C was unexpectedly out for the first two days Try some tweaks for the inquiry project -- I am always trying to attend to this so I did do my best to emphasize online even more, but I felt the tension with my in-person students Plan something??? -- not yet, but I think next week! What I Will Do Next Next Week Teach IM1 Teach IM2 Plan something How I’m ...

Student Teaching: Week 10

What I Did This Week Monday : got my second vaccine!, recovered, graded papers and entered grades, prepared for IM2 Tuesday : taught IM2, taught some of IM1, continued recovering from the vaccine, graded Wednesday : attended a planning meeting, observed IM1 to teach Thursday, went over IM2 materials Thursday : taught IM2, taught IM1, observed IM1, graded papers, attended a faculty meeting Friday : parent-teacher conferences and lots of grading What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM1 - did this a little less this week because of the vaccine but I learned a lot about the content from watching and teaching it! Teach IM2 - love this class, love teaching it, and the kids are doing great work this week Plan for IM1 - this was not in the cards this week, we've had lots of grading to do preparing for the end of the quarter! Plan for IM2 - I went to the planning meeting, but we're on a bit of autopilot at the moment! Have a sigh of relief (no more edTPA!) - thank god What I...

Student Teaching: Week 9

What I Did This Week Monday : taught IM2, taught IM1, observed IM1, graded tests, graded homework, made announcements, wrote a quiz, finished up some IM2 materials, helped students in asynchronous time Tuesday : attended math department meeting, observed IM1, graded homework Wednesday : taught IM2, taught IM1 twice, graded and gave feedback on homework Thursday : observed IM1 twice, worked on edTPA, worked with peers on edTPA, graded homework Friday : worked on edTPA, graded IM2 tests, worked on grade norming for those tests What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM1  - I did this less this week in preparation for edTPA submission Teach IM2  - I continue to connect with my focal class! Plan for IM1  - we didn't do this much this week, again because of edTPA Plan for IM2  - wrote a quiz and a review lesson! Work more on my edTPA  - this is pretty much all I'm doing Take a little less of the teaching load but hopefully work more on the IM1 planning  - i...

Student Teaching: Week 8

What I Did This Week Monday : attended an IM2 planning meeting, graded exams, graded homeworks/balanced up the gradebook, worked on edTPA Tuesday : attended math department meeting, reviewed upcoming exams for length/clarity/etc, worked on edTPA, graded exams Wednesday : proctored an IM1 test twice, met the seniors in advisory as they came back for the first time, worked on edTPA, planned IM2 retake exam, graded exams Thursday : taught IM2, met the sophomores in IM2 for the first time, proctored an IM1 test twice, planned for the next IM1 section, worked on edTPA Friday : helped in an IM1 class, taught IM1, graded homework/tests/etc, made copies, wrote this blog, worked on edTPA, planned for IM2 review/quiz What I Will Do Next Week: A Reflection Teach IM1 - I did this on Friday! We only had this class a few times this week since we gave tests and had asynchronous days, but I had fun working to develop/plan for it and then get to teach it. Teach IM2 - I love feeling closer to this cla...

Student Teaching: Week 7

What I Did This Wee k Monday : received my first dose of the COVID vaccine, took a brief tour of the school building/got acquainted with the space, held an office hour, graded papers, did various administrative tasks Tuesday : met students in person for the first time, learned some more about the building, filmed a video response to student questions alongside other student teachers, edited and posted the questions video, answered student questions during the asynchronous time in class, ran classroom support tasks (hole punching, distributing/retrieving items, cleaning and sanitizing due to COVID, etc.), attended an IM2 planning meeting, worked on a few test rewrites before the Thursday/Friday exam, graded papers, held an impromptu office hour Wednesday : taught IM2 (final edTPA lesson), answered student questions during the asynchronous time in class, graded papers, provided administrative support, caught up to speed with IM1 Thursday : taught IM1, talked with independent study studen...